Technical blog


The problem

More or less, it’s possible to outlook almost everything in a machine but remains the human factor. One of the most common problem in power transmission plants is the wrong lubrication, due to wrong toppings made from the maintenance. In gearboxes, oil acts as gear and bearings lubricator, moreover it dissipates the heat and brings power where it’s needed (i.e. in paper mill cylinders, the hydraulic oil that’s used to regulate their diameter, once terminated its function, goes outside the regulating valves that are inside the cylinders and flows to the gearboxes that move the cylinders to lubricate them). A wrong oil topping, may say damages difficult to calculate: it’ sufficient to think about a mill plant, it’s breakage may determine the production stop. During our technical courses, we persists with our customers in periodical oil checks programming, since only a periodical control of the system it’s able to detect problems, especially when someone doesn’t think to have them, letting the maintenance personnel repair the system before catastrophic failures could appear.

The cause

The solution


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